Saturday, February 23, 2008

Great Epiphanies!

So, I guess that my last visitor is gone now, on their way back home. My grandma and cousin Courtney were here for a week and we had a good time (at least I think). There was the usual coffee finca tour, ruins visit, bird park, card games, Casa Villamil hang out time, and then the all special homework time with Courtney. Something about math teachers is mean, her math teacher gave her homework to bring with her on the trip.
I had a series of epiphanies this week while they were here my two favorite being that the seventh graders had to write a letter home to their parents from themselves. The letter was dictated by me and told their parents that they need help and their asking for their parents to help them because the fifth graders beat them in a challenge on decimal addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Now that’s just not right. Seventh graders should not be getting a class average of 7 out of 10 on decimals…so we wrote a letter to their parents asking for their help.:)
The second is for the eighth graders to help each other on their homework, but they are responsible for their partner. On the quiz Monday the partners will each earn the average score of their two quizzes. I’m pretty excited to see how it turns out. Those were my two great epiphanies.

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