Saturday, August 25, 2007

Copan At Last

Couple days down….lot of days to go. That’s how I’m viewing my time here thus far. It’s not because I’m loathing the days and counting down, it’s because I’ve been having such a good time and seeing all these great possibilities that could pan out that I’m excited to have a lot of days left.

I came down here to work in the library, but apparently this never works out. Emory talked to me the first night and said, “Zach, we need you to teach first grade.” Of course, why not!? I haven’t been preparing for this or anything. I haven’t been talking to librarians, or buying books for the library, or thinking about library projects. Instead I’ve been sitting around thinking, “what if I teach first grade this year? I should prepare.” Ok, that was my slightly bitter side at the change of plans. But really, I’m going with the flow and this is the way that it’s going to happen. How much good would I do refusing to teach this class and saying that I’m only going to work in the library? Apparently this will be at the very worst a one month stint. Emory has a friend coming down the start of October and then I’m off the hook and into the library. I’m excited about this change though, really, I am. Don’t believe me? Trust me, I’m very excited. The other first grade teacher, in the other class, is a recent graduate of the University of Oregon and was an education major. She’s going to be a great resource to help with lesson planning.

Tyler and I are planning on using this weekend to explore the city. Find out some church service times in the area, check out the library, get some random stuff for the house, and relax. Oh to relax…it’s going to be a good thing.:) For now I’m writing this on Friday night and it’s really late. And by really late I mean 11:20. Everything in town closes at 9pm and people get up between 6 and 7 every day. So…to bed I go! Good night!

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