Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Everything I Really Need to Know...

...I learned teaching kindergarten! That's right, I'm teaching kindergarten. Mr. Mario, the usual kindergarten teacher has gone to the States for a couple of days and so I will be filling in for him. It's not as bad as it sounds...I don't think. He's typically a very strict teacher and so the kids are well trained in what to do, I just simply have to be the director of the learning. It's a lot of me saying things and them repeating it. The first day (today) was alright. I lost them for about 45 minutes in the middle of the day but I recuperated and got control again in the end. My problem was that I tried to practice "What a Wonderful World" with them. Yes, the song, "I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom...etc." It's a little bit over kindergarteners heads and I lost them. Once I recuperated and got them back things got a lot better. I hope that the next three school days are similar. That's right...three more school days of me teaching kindergarten, whew!
In other news....I got some flowers at school today. I also got a few drawings from kids. Five of them were making a drawing for Mr. Mario and it turned out that most of them turned it into me instead. I guess that they just can't wait that long to turn it into him. I'll have to think of something fun to do with the kids on Monday in order to get ready for Mario to come back...any fun ideas?:)

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