Sunday, May 10, 2009


I’ve been collecting some proverbs that I’ve enjoyed over the past however much time and thought that I should put them together for a little post here…

-El que hoy se cae, se levanta mañana.
-He who today falls down, rises up tomorrow.

-En boca cerrada no entran moscas.
-Flies don’t enter into a closed mouth.

-Es más rico el rico cuando empobrece que el pobre cuando enriquece.
-The rich man who becomes poor is richer than the poor man who becomes rich.

-Darle una pelota a un niño es suficiente para sellar relaciones internacionales.
-Giving a ball to a kid is enough to seal international relations.

-Díme con quien andas y te digo quien eres.
-Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are.

-La muerte se esconde en lo más cotidiano. Nunca hay ceremonias y discursos en el momento de la muerte.
-Death is hidden in the most daily things. There are never ceremonies and speeches in the moment of death.

- Más ondo el río, hace menos ruido.
-The deeper the river, the less noise it makes.

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