Saturday, June 20, 2009

My New Che

I used to think that Che Guevara was my favorite Latin American revolutionary but with the conclusion of the Confessions book and now looking into Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa things have changed. I've come to see Correa as one of the most unique revolutionaries in Latin America in the modern era. I ran across an interview with him shortly after he won the preliminary elections in April with over 50% of the vote (meaning that for the first time in 30 years there was no run-off election) in which he talks about his vision for Ecuador and South America in general. Here's my favorite quote from the interview. The whole interview can be found at:

"Competition is a concept that is already very debatable at the level of economic agents, but at the level of countries – fraternal countries – are you going to compete? It’s a complete absurdity. And how have they competed? Whoever mistreats the labor force most, whoever puts it in the most precarious position, because that is the only way to gain competitiveness. And we deteriorate the standard of living of our population and, above all, our working class. And the ones that most benefit from the cheapest products are the First World."

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