Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Una semana terminada, millones por delante

One week of classes is down and I’m having a great time back down here in Honduras. With each day that has passed since coming back I’ve become more and more sure that I want to come down here again next year. I just had the 8th graders over tonight for s’mores and a little fire on my rooftop. Don’t panic, we have all concrete buildings here (unless they’re sticks and mud).:) None of them had really heard of s’mores, let alone tried it before. Between about 16 of us we finished about 50 s’mores, I’d say they were a smashing hit.
Here’s a pop quiz…do you know how long a teacher can have an impact on their students academic performance? In a study by the Gallup organization teachers can have an impact on their students academic performance for up to three years. This means that if you have a really bad teacher it may have negative effects for three years. But a really good teacher who cares about the kids may have a positive impact for up to three years on their schoolwork. Is anybody following my line of thought?:)

1 comment:

Anna Assink said...

For one thing does it mean that if you teach 7th graders that when they are 9th graders you may be able to "really like" them???? G'ma