Saturday, October 25, 2008

¿Por Qué Es Todo Mejor en Español?

This week has been just another uneventful week down here. Things that seem out of the ordinary to folks back home happen all the time here and I think nothing of it. So when I schooled a couple first graders in soccer the other day, or chowed down on some baleadas, or drank my granita de café they all seemed like such normal things. I think that the reason I blog so much at the start of the year is because after being in the States I notice all the funny things and write about them. Now, just a couple months into this whole librarian thing and everything around here seems normal.
Speaking of librarian, I made it through a whole week with just working in the library and not substituting! I was super excited about that. I enjoy subbing, and I enjoy working in the library….it’s like two favorites, but library is slightly more favorite than subbing. I was thankful to get a little rest from subbing. Library work this week involved finally starting on cleaning up our “resource room.” It is a mess of books that are mostly junk, with some awesome keepers in their! I threw out about 9 huge garbage bags full of books as well as 4 or 5 boxes….and I’m only part way through. We’re talking about encyclopedia’s from 1974, science books from the 60’s, copies of half of a literature book, and many other useless things for our school. However, in the keeper pile I have more copies of books like, Number the Stars, Danny: Champion of the World, Before we were Free, etc. and Madlibs! What person doesn’t love Madlibs? Right now I’m feeling all in tip top “library shape” and I hope that this continues throughout the whole year.

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